
从医学院到工程学院再到法学院, 我们本科课程的专业预科课程为您获得专业学位做准备. A pre-professional track is a series of courses taken in addition to the required curriculum in your major that ensures you'll be ready for the next step in your professional career. 


We are here to further the opportunities of students interested in 健康 Professions by providing individual guidance to any student, 不管专业是什么. 

Pre-健康 students major in a variety of disciplines and may decide to pursue study in a variety of fields after graduation, 包括, 但不限于: 医疗, 牙科, 兽医, 物理治疗, 职业治疗, 护理.

见见你的成功教练 for major discernment, field of study and degree planning, application and personal statements. 与职业教练会面 为了理解和驾驭研究生院的进程. 与指导老师讨论课程内容, 度发展, 以及职业或健康前探索. 


的 pre-engineering coursework provides a strong foundation in science, mathematics, engineering. 

St. 365比分网电竞 offers a variety of essential engineering courses as well as several partner programs, 包括: 

  • 科学与工程:华盛顿大学 -与华盛顿大学的一个为期5年的项目. 在这里,学生们从圣路易大学获得数学学士学位. 和生物医学学士学位, 化学, 电, 机械, 华盛顿大学系统工程专业毕业. 

St. 爱德华也提供了 尊敬:巴黎圣母院, an innovative 11-month entrepreneurship master's program through our sister school, Notre Dame. 

这些教育途径不仅对我们的学生有吸引力, but to the engineering faculty at our partner institutions as well as prospective employers for the program graduates. 具有扎实的文科基础, students who proceed through these dual degree programs are well-prepared for their engineering coursework and careers. 特别是圣. 爱德华的 curriculum helps students to develop outstanding communication skills in multiple media, 通过具有挑战性的课程有很强的解决问题的能力, a solid grounding through an understanding of the broader societal context that is developed via the Holy Cross approach to higher education and through the humanities and social science courses that are part of our general education curriculum.


法律预科咨询课程 帮助学生培养交际能力, 分析, 以及对法律职业很重要的方法论技能. 美国律师协会不推荐任何特定的本科专业, 因为法学院几乎所有学科的学生都能被录取. 

Many students choose to major in subjects 被认为是 to be traditional preparation for law school, 比如历史, 英语, 通信, 业务, 或者政治科学. 我们建议学生探索广泛的文科教育,为法学院做准备, 研究生院, 或在公共或私营部门就业.

见见你的成功教练 for major discernment, field of study and degree planning, application and personal statements. 与职业教练会面 为了理解和驾驭研究生院的进程. 与指导老师讨论课程内容, 度发展, 以及职业或法律预科探索. 


的 医疗专业咨询委员会(HPAC) mentors Pre-健康 students on several levels. 的 committee works closely with the Director of  职业和专业发展 to provide guidance for strategically becoming a competitive applicant, 以及对申请和面试过程的指导. Many Pre-健康 professional programs strongly encourage students to receive an evaluation from their institution's HPAC. 学生可以在申请时获得HPAC的评估信. Students typically begin their application process for professional school in their junior year. 然而, national trends indicate that students are delaying their application to professional school until their senior year of college or later, 在他们感兴趣的领域获得第一手经验之后.


以下卫生专业将是 被认为是 评价: 医疗,牙科,兽医,医师助理,验光和药学. If you are not applying to any of the preceding fields, there is no need to complete an application.