The demand for professionals who can provide recreation services for communities, families and individuals continues to grow.
The 娱乐管理 minor prepares students for professional positions in sports, 社区娱乐, 户外娱乐. The courses will build skills in program development, marketing and organizational behavior.
What types of jobs are there for those with a minor in 娱乐管理?
Students who minor in 娱乐管理 will have the knowledge and skills for entry-level program management roles at collegiate recreation programs, 基督教青年会和女青年会的计划, 课外项目, 户外娱乐 areas, such as Wild Basin Creative Research Center.
What is the coursework required for a minor in 娱乐管理?
Students will complete 18 credit hours of the following courses:
- Physical Activity, Recreation, and Sports for Special Populations
- 体育营销
- Legal and Ethical Issues in Sport and 运动机能学
- 实习
- Choose one from: Safety and First Aid, Social and Psychological Issues of 运动机能学 and Sports, Coaching Theory and Practice, or Facility Design and Facility/Event 管理
- Organizational Behavior/Leading Teams and Organizations
For more information on the 娱乐管理 minor, please contact Associate Professor of 运动机能学 克里斯蒂巴拉德.